Dis Pater, or Dispater (cf. Skt. Dyaus Pitar), was a Roman god of the underworld, later subsumed by Pluto or Hades. Originally a chthonic god of riches, fertile agricultural land, and underground mineral wealth, he was later commonly equated with the Roman deities Pluto and Orcus, becoming an underworld deity. Dis Pater was commonly shortened to simply Dis (much like how Dyaus Pitar was also simply called Dyaus). This name has since become an alternate name for the underworld or a part of the underworld.
Ditis Pater, vel Dispater (cf. Skt. Dyaus Pitar), Romanus deus inferos, post subsumitur per Pluto aut inferus. Primitus a chthonic deus divitias, fertilis agros, et sub mineralibus opes, postea communiter aequatis cum Romani numina Pluto et Orcus, decet an inferos numen. Ditis Pater est communiter breviabuntur ad simpliciter Ditis (similis quam Dyaus Pitar etiam simpliciter dicitur Dyaus). Quod nomen est hoc nomen alterna vel ex inferno inferos.
Dis Pater, eller Dispater (jf. Skt. Dyaus Pitar), var en romersk gud for underverdenen, senere indordnet af Pluto eller Hades. Oprindeligt chthonic gud af rigdomme, frugtbar landbrugsjord og underjordisk mineralsk rigdom, blev han senere ofte sidestilles med de romerske guder Pluto og Orcus og bliver dermed en af underverdenens guddom. Dis Pater var almindeligt forkortet til blot Dis ( ligesom Dyaus Pitar blev også blot kaldt Dyaus). Dette navn er siden blevet et alternativt navn for underverdenen eller en del af underverdenen.
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